We found ourselves going to the moon merely to gloat, but now we must consider going to the moon because we've ruined this world and we're human, colonization, civilization is key. We just must remember to keep our heads. To not be a world of infinite Icaruses forever falling and polluting the ground with melted wax.
I cannot say that Communism, which would lead to true socialism, the terrifying misunderstood word of anarchy; I cannot say that it would be our utopia. But I will go to my grave shouting that it is necessary for the survival and future of our race. I will Shout, and work hard, to show people, through true actions, that it is so simple to not refer to this world as a disgrace. The undeniable horror for the old world is an idea whose time has come - I quote Hugo Chavez who quotes Victor Hugo.
We must go there, for the sake of sanity. But we mustn't lose our heads. We mustn't think we are all divine, that our ideas are truths. That one god is better than the other, or that there is no god so there is nothing to lose. Because there is something to lose- it's called integrity. And if the masses wish to be pacified with the simple solution of how things have always been- just so they don't have to put in too much effort, they might as well be caged in zoos to fling shit with the other primordial apes.
I want to see communism, socialism, to come true, not so I can say I WAS RIGHT!!!!! I want communism to give us socialism so that during that reign, we can progress, and in the future, there will come another idea, another ism. I want to go there, to see the beautifully painful birth of a new idea.
I want to see people accept a jesus that won't get crucified because I see a lot of people saying they need him, though they are usually the first to condemn, silence and kill the people that confront them with that idea. Until we have a gentleman's congress again, the world is full of talking heads, and each time you vote for a fancy puppet, the noose gets ever tighter around the neck of progress.
Which presents three options: we can reconsider our case, and gain ground so that we can loosen the rope and breathe again; we can let ourselves hang, lingering, waiting to die of suffocation; or the terrible option of writhing, trying to get enough movement so the noose just breaks the neck and that is all.
Generations before us got to dream, why can we not?
Which presents three options: we can reconsider our case, and gain ground so that we can loosen the rope and breathe again; we can let ourselves hang, lingering, waiting to die of suffocation; or the terrible option of writhing, trying to get enough movement so the noose just breaks the neck and that is all.
Generations before us got to dream, why can we not?