an effervescent mind's journey
Monday, February 13, 2012
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
My father sits on the couch, a man in his sixties, and watches Fox News. Recently, I'd taken it upon myself to rip the chord from his radio, and cut it in two with a pair of shears. That was done so that he would no longer be allowed to sit in the garage, in the hundred degree heat, smoking, drinking, listening to Rush Limbaugh shovel shit through the speakers- doing nothing more than torturing the man, and twisting his back so that he cannot sleep at night.
So now my father sits and watches fox news, he watches our country fall apart, and he laughs. But it's not just him, oh no, I stand in line at the post office and have to listen to a geezer behind me gloat about how these government institutions are falling apart under the current administration. In stores I hear old hags cackle and talk about how they're gonna see that "boy" out of office.
So people tell me, well just ignore them. Easy for many to say- those who do not carry the legal burden I do, those who still have a chance to work.
I watch these elders, whom we are supposed to respect, laugh about the world we youths are inheriting fall apart.
This is the sort of thing that makes me almost wish death panels were not just a sick GOP dream.
I ask my father- "What the fuck are you so happy about!?"
"I told you!" he replies, "I told you this was gonna happen!"
"So what?" I say.
"So, I was right!" he gloats.
"Okay, thanks dad, what the fuck did you do in your sixty some years to prevent this from happening!?" I asked utterly dumbfounded.
"I voted republican," he says.
And here is my reply:
"You voted republican, you bought into a lie, you might as well have voted democrat because it doesn't matter. You did nothing, you voted for lies and stood by expecting the politicians to do their job. You paid taxes to make them rich, to fund their sick schemes, the very things that are causing terrorists to kill us now. You stood by and suckled the cock of your precious institution, and now you are going to die in shit, you are going to all die in shit. The baby boomers are a joke, a fucking joke. And the worst part is, we are inheriting the dirty diapers of a generation that never grew up and learned to wipe its own ass.
How can you elders stand in judgement of us youths? Us youths that had our childhoods stolen from us because of your lies, your sick obsession with facades that crumbled and brought us through horror after horror? How dare you try to have a say in this country's future, you abandoned us. We are orphans of your stupidity and greed. We kill ourselves slowly, there is little hope left among my generation.
I hope you had a fun ride."
This was met with the slam of the garage door, seeing as he'd walked away as I spoke stabbing words of truth.
OOOO, you wicked wicked naive fools, what have you left for your children?
So now my father sits and watches fox news, he watches our country fall apart, and he laughs. But it's not just him, oh no, I stand in line at the post office and have to listen to a geezer behind me gloat about how these government institutions are falling apart under the current administration. In stores I hear old hags cackle and talk about how they're gonna see that "boy" out of office.
So people tell me, well just ignore them. Easy for many to say- those who do not carry the legal burden I do, those who still have a chance to work.
I watch these elders, whom we are supposed to respect, laugh about the world we youths are inheriting fall apart.
This is the sort of thing that makes me almost wish death panels were not just a sick GOP dream.
I ask my father- "What the fuck are you so happy about!?"
"I told you!" he replies, "I told you this was gonna happen!"
"So what?" I say.
"So, I was right!" he gloats.
"Okay, thanks dad, what the fuck did you do in your sixty some years to prevent this from happening!?" I asked utterly dumbfounded.
"I voted republican," he says.
And here is my reply:
"You voted republican, you bought into a lie, you might as well have voted democrat because it doesn't matter. You did nothing, you voted for lies and stood by expecting the politicians to do their job. You paid taxes to make them rich, to fund their sick schemes, the very things that are causing terrorists to kill us now. You stood by and suckled the cock of your precious institution, and now you are going to die in shit, you are going to all die in shit. The baby boomers are a joke, a fucking joke. And the worst part is, we are inheriting the dirty diapers of a generation that never grew up and learned to wipe its own ass.
How can you elders stand in judgement of us youths? Us youths that had our childhoods stolen from us because of your lies, your sick obsession with facades that crumbled and brought us through horror after horror? How dare you try to have a say in this country's future, you abandoned us. We are orphans of your stupidity and greed. We kill ourselves slowly, there is little hope left among my generation.
I hope you had a fun ride."
This was met with the slam of the garage door, seeing as he'd walked away as I spoke stabbing words of truth.
OOOO, you wicked wicked naive fools, what have you left for your children?
Sunday, September 4, 2011
King lear howls as his grave fills with bloody oil
In response to Mr. Talley.
(PIL- Public Image ltd.)
That is why I call them republicrats, political transformers, bigots in disguise. It's like when the nazis fell and the "communists" took over in Germany, there was still a state police, they just changed uniforms.
I was arrested on the evening that Barrack Obama was elected, since I put up a fight, the cops were confused, and one of them asked "Why are you getting all worked up tonight? Didn't your BOY win?" I snarled and spat at him, which is why I'm on probation.
I said, you fool, I didn't even vote, because he is no different in my eyes than George W Bush, and he will remain so until he proves himself to be different.
I will not get into how pointless it was to argue with the small minds in uniform, but I do not talk, I take a stand, and that showed me the ignorance of every day people.
Right now, they don't understand. The republicans and democrats are arguing in public, and relaxing together in private strip clubs laughing about how we lap up every foolish display they make.
There is no winning side in this tale of two fools, this tale of two cities we repeat, there is no winning, only compromising, and that is folly.
It becomes a mess of pricks and bullies, it breeds hypocrisy, and that breeds the frustration that leads to terrorism.
I say close the book, throw out the elephant and the ass, and start remembering people, not isms, not parties, not institutions- intentions and bloody actions!
Barrack Obama said it was his intention to bring change, I knew that was an outright lie, he's done nothing but try to preserve our nation's status, and when people started realizing he was just the same old hypocrite, when they got angry, I laughed in their faces and told them, "I WAS SAYING THAT ON ELECTION DAY!!!"
Ballots are bandages and cannot mend this sickly bent system, bullets would only create more wounds, what we need is a vaccine. An infiltrating substance that will honestly worm out the bureaucracy and mindlessness, that has allowed the blind to lead the blind for centuries.
But alas, everyone still bows to the almighty dollar, they still cringe at the concept of losing the state. And again and again we sacrifice our integrity, paid for by the suffering of people in other countries, and now it's coming back to us.
It's King lear all over again:
EDGAR This would have seem'd a period
To such as love not sorrow; but another,
To amplify too much, would make much more,
And top extremity.
Whilst I was big in clamour came there in a man,
Who, having seen me in my worst estate,
Shunn'd my abhorr'd society; but then, finding
Who 'twas that so endured, with his strong arms
He fastened on my neck, and bellow'd out
As he'ld burst heaven; threw him on my father;
Told the most piteous tale....
His grief grew puissant and the strings of life
Began to crack: twice then the trumpets sounded,
And there I left him tranced.
GONERIL This is practise, Gloucester:
By the law of arms thou wast not bound to answer
An unknown opposite; thou art not vanquish'd,
But cozen'd and beguiled.
EDMUND In wisdom I should ask thy name;
But, since thy outside looks so fair and warlike,
And that thy tongue some say of breeding breathes,
What safe and nicely I might well delay
By rule of knighthood, I disdain and spurn:
Back do I toss these treasons to thy head;
With the hell-hated lie o'erwhelm thy heart;
Which, for they yet glance by and scarcely bruise,
This sword of mine shall give them instant way,
Where they shall rest for ever. Trumpets, speak!
What you have charged me with, that have I done;
And more, much more; the time will bring it out:
'Tis past, and so am I. But what art thou
That hast this fortune on me? If thou'rt noble,
I do forgive thee.
EDGAR Let's exchange charity.

If more, the more thou hast wrong'd me.
My name is Edgar, and thy father's son.
The gods are just, and of our pleasant vices
Make instruments to plague us:
The dark and vicious place where thee he got
Cost him his eyes.
KING LEAR Howl, howl, howl, howl! O, you are men of stones:
Had I your tongues and eyes, I'ld use them so
That heaven's vault should crack. She's gone for ever!
I know when one is dead, and when one lives;
She's dead as earth. Lend me a looking-glass;
If that her breath will mist or stain the stone,
Why, then she lives.
KENT Is this the promised end?
KING LEAR A plague upon you, murderers, traitors all!
Cordelia, Cordelia! stay a little. Ha!I might have saved her; now she's gone for ever!
What is't thou say'st? Her voice was ever soft,
Gentle, and low, an excellent thing in woman.
I kill'd the slave that was a-hanging thee.
And my poor fool is hang'd! No, no, no life!
Why should a dog, a horse, a rat, have life,
And thou no breath at all? Thou'lt come no more,
Never, never, never, never, never!
Pray you, undo this button: thank you, sir.
Do you see this? Look on her, look, her lips,
Look there, look there!
ALBANY The weight of this sad time we must obey;
Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say.
The oldest hath borne most: we that are young
Shall never see so much, nor live so long.
Friday, September 2, 2011
I fight the cloud of forgotten passions
Do you remember when we streamed down the line of the Pacific ocean, just two brash radical cats lost in oblivion? You have to remember, you must, the nights we spent together
with no sound but the burning of our guts.
You must remember, me, sheathed in you,
our kisses were rosy blue, the wind threw your hair like
a head of wheat that soughed Medusa style
we were lost
in the ocean of youth, do you remember? The tune that bled
from the car stereo speakers?
do you remember the stains of our love that breathed lives?
do you remember that dark that I could fight off, with you by my side?
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Usurp the reality, create and idea, to catch a glimpse of majesty (Invest in the future)
I cannot say that communism, which would lead to socialism, is the ultimate answer- the cure all for the human race; though to me, those ideas seem to be the next logical step in our evolution as a world inhabited by human beings. To simply close your mind to such concepts because of words, the betrayals and falsities that have come in the past, is to forever cripple our race in any attempt of advancement.
We found ourselves going to the moon merely to gloat, but now we must consider going to the moon because we've ruined this world and we're human, colonization, civilization is key. We just must remember to keep our heads. To not be a world of infinite Icaruses forever falling and polluting the ground with melted wax.
I cannot say that Communism, which would lead to true socialism, the terrifying misunderstood word of anarchy; I cannot say that it would be our utopia. But I will go to my grave shouting that it is necessary for the survival and future of our race. I will Shout, and work hard, to show people, through true actions, that it is so simple to not refer to this world as a disgrace. The undeniable horror for the old world is an idea whose time has come - I quote Hugo Chavez who quotes Victor Hugo.
We must go there, for the sake of sanity. But we mustn't lose our heads. We mustn't think we are all divine, that our ideas are truths. That one god is better than the other, or that there is no god so there is nothing to lose. Because there is something to lose- it's called integrity. And if the masses wish to be pacified with the simple solution of how things have always been- just so they don't have to put in too much effort, they might as well be caged in zoos to fling shit with the other primordial apes.
I want to see communism, socialism, to come true, not so I can say I WAS RIGHT!!!!! I want communism to give us socialism so that during that reign, we can progress, and in the future, there will come another idea, another ism. I want to go there, to see the beautifully painful birth of a new idea.
We found ourselves going to the moon merely to gloat, but now we must consider going to the moon because we've ruined this world and we're human, colonization, civilization is key. We just must remember to keep our heads. To not be a world of infinite Icaruses forever falling and polluting the ground with melted wax.
I cannot say that Communism, which would lead to true socialism, the terrifying misunderstood word of anarchy; I cannot say that it would be our utopia. But I will go to my grave shouting that it is necessary for the survival and future of our race. I will Shout, and work hard, to show people, through true actions, that it is so simple to not refer to this world as a disgrace. The undeniable horror for the old world is an idea whose time has come - I quote Hugo Chavez who quotes Victor Hugo.
We must go there, for the sake of sanity. But we mustn't lose our heads. We mustn't think we are all divine, that our ideas are truths. That one god is better than the other, or that there is no god so there is nothing to lose. Because there is something to lose- it's called integrity. And if the masses wish to be pacified with the simple solution of how things have always been- just so they don't have to put in too much effort, they might as well be caged in zoos to fling shit with the other primordial apes.
I want to see communism, socialism, to come true, not so I can say I WAS RIGHT!!!!! I want communism to give us socialism so that during that reign, we can progress, and in the future, there will come another idea, another ism. I want to go there, to see the beautifully painful birth of a new idea.
I want to see people accept a jesus that won't get crucified because I see a lot of people saying they need him, though they are usually the first to condemn, silence and kill the people that confront them with that idea. Until we have a gentleman's congress again, the world is full of talking heads, and each time you vote for a fancy puppet, the noose gets ever tighter around the neck of progress.
Which presents three options: we can reconsider our case, and gain ground so that we can loosen the rope and breathe again; we can let ourselves hang, lingering, waiting to die of suffocation; or the terrible option of writhing, trying to get enough movement so the noose just breaks the neck and that is all.
Generations before us got to dream, why can we not?
Which presents three options: we can reconsider our case, and gain ground so that we can loosen the rope and breathe again; we can let ourselves hang, lingering, waiting to die of suffocation; or the terrible option of writhing, trying to get enough movement so the noose just breaks the neck and that is all.
Generations before us got to dream, why can we not?
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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